

One of the things we take pride in is our logos. We like working with the best and don't like wasting time on worthless branding. We don't usually design logos ourselves, so we will include the original creator of our logos, along with a link of where to hire them. We will also state how we use these logos - note that some of these logos are currently in use but are still part of the Potabi Technological Developments, LLC branding folder.

Note that this is not a complete list of logos we have bought, but rather the ones we have bought and continue to use. This list will change as projects are incorporated, depricated, abandoned, and otherwise.

Logo Use Creator
Potabi Technological Developments, LLC Corporate Logo gfxmaster01
Potabi Systems Potabi Systems ei8htz
CoreNGS CoreNGS gulshad614 (Vanished from Fiverr)
Ayras Desktop Ayras Desktop Environment Potabi Technological Developments, LLC
Velstart Velstart Potabi Technological Developments, LLC
BlueSpruce.js BlueSpruce.js ei8htz
Unused 1 Currently unused ei8htz
Unused 2 Currently unused ei8htz
Unused-3 Currently unused ei8htz
Unused-4 Currently unused ei8htz

Thanks to ei8htz for their work in the majority of our logos that we choose to use. They are by far our biggest recommendation for a good logo.